Life is too deep for words sometimes.


You know those moments, where you feel so much, and you are so moved, but can not find a single word to say: because nothing will do. No word would really be enough. Life is too deep for words sometimes.

There are no words that suffice to the way the clouds explode in different shades of pink, as the sun sets.

There are no words for a soul being so moved, that they know, never again will they be the same person.

There are no words for the way a mother looks at her child, the child she carried, gave birth to, and now is finally holding.

There are no words for the man who hears the judge pronounce him “Guilty of life in prison”. As he looks down in shame, and looks around at the family of the young mans life that he took away drunk driving. He whispers to himself, “How could they ever forgive me, and how will I ever forgive myself.”

There are no words for the old man who kisses his wife’s forehead for the last time, as she takes her final breath.

Nor are there words for the little girl born with a disability that causes her to be bound to a wheelchair her whole life.

Or how bout the joy she has, though? The way she smiles bigger and loves deeper than most who aren’t bound to a wheelchair. There aren’t words for that, either.

There are no words for the poverty stricken family who gathers together in the dirt to praise The God who is with them, and they know He is all they need.

There are no words for the way a groom looks at his beautiful bride, and says “I do.”

There are no words for the moment Christ invades your very being, and pours through your soul within you and explodes out of you. There are no words for that tangible presence of love.

There are no words for the fresh dew on the grass every morning, that glistens in the sunlight.

There are no words for a rain fall that waters the farmers crops that he has spent months praying over and working on with his bare two hands.

There are no words for the young boy who’s big brother was shot and killed by a gang, as he chooses to forgive them, and make something beautiful out of his death.

There are no words for the way someone’s eyes light up as they talk about what they are passionate about and moves their soul.

There are no words for the moments of laughter shared with someone you care so deeply about, where everything else in the world seems to be put in perspective, as you enjoy the little moments.

There are no words for the depth of the ocean, the depth of a soul, the depth of pain, the depth of joy, the depth of love. There are no words for something so deep.

There are no words for the athlete who’s sweat and blood and years of hard work all come down to one moment, and as he loses the race, says “I put my all in, I’ve done all I can.” And his father says with a big smile on his face, “Job well done, my son”.

There are no words for the tears falling down the face of a mother who sits at her child’s tombstone.

There are no words for the children who never had a childhood, and were sold into sex slavery, as they ask themselves if they will ever be truly loved, and wanted.

There are no words for the way Jesus was mocked, whipped, beaten, and nailed to a cross- as an innocent man- as Gods son. There are no words for the depth of our sin, there are no words for the depth of our pain, that He chose to pay for, and endure the worst possible suffering.

There are no words for the way He forgave the criminal next to Him on the cross, or the the way He forgave the people that crucified Him and hated Him. There are no words for the way He has forgiven me. Or you. There are no words for the healing and new life He brings. There just simply aren’t, and won’t ever be words to suffice the depth of what He has done.
It leaves me silent often, in awe, in admiration, in love.

No, there are no words to suffice the depth of this life.
The beauty, the suffering, the good, the evil, the love, the hate, the forgiveness. But it can be felt. It must be lived. And it must be walked. And we can try to put it into words, but we all know, no words will every truly do. So we walk with each other through all of this, and we learn what love in action truly is all about.
Some days, words are many, and laughs, too. Other days, words become few, as tears fall down & we embrace one another tightly.

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