A tribute to Hannah Leigh 

 I’ll always remember you 

With a pony tail and a smile 

The way your eyes lit up when you laughed 

You always knew just the words to say to put a big grin on my face 

A sweatshirt and a pair of shorts

A softball glove and a determined spirit 

The verses you had taped all over your walls and engraved in your heart 

The way you spoke, with such softness and truth 

I learned so much about humility from you 

People talk about old souls

Well for me, that will always be you

A soul wise beyond her years

That was our Hannah Leigh 

With wisdom and compassion pouring out of her to every soul she would meet 

You knew Jesus 

In such a rare, beautiful way 

That I hope all come to know 

You didn’t have to always say it 

For us to know 

Because of the way you loved and lived it in action 

You cared about people in such a deep, genuine way

The countless prayer lists we found in journals in your room 

The tears you cried when your heart broke for those who didn’t know 

I’ll always remember you 

Walking out that door 

With your nextel attached to your waist 

And your cute little voice laughing away 


We are left with the sweetest memories 

Of a soul many were blessed to know 

Of a soul we will never forget 

Of a soul we will meet again 

And embrace in hugs, and tears of joy

We love you Hannah Leigh

You will always be my banana, my big sis, the other part of me

Thank you for your legacy, the life of love you lived, and the sweet aroma you left to every soul you touched 

In Jesus’s arms you rest 

And in our hearts you forever remain 

No words will ever do

To write enough about the impact your life left 

But to those who knew you, I hope this puts a sweet smile to reminisce on the years we got to borrow God’s gift to us, Hannah Leigh 

This life is a blink 

I know you’d say if you were here today

You’d tell us to put first things first 

To love with our whole hearts

To look at eternity and not this earth 

In loving memory of you, 

Our angel, Hannah Leigh Takens.

February 29, 1992 – July 13, 2007

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